
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Starting a photoblog ...

You have to start somewhere. I start with this.

The idea of creating a photoblog has been in my head for some time now. There are 2 reasons for that:
  • there are some really great blogs out there that are both a treat to simply browse and a source of inspiration; let's mention the one that might have been my biggest inspiration recently, StuckInCustoms by Trey Ratcliff, who is basically the world's HDR guru (although he happens to take non-HDR pictures from time to time, I believe!). Edit: One of his recent pictures does bear a resemblance to the one I'm posting here (well, it's a sunset, there's the sea... that's all I mean), but I promise, I made my choice before I saw his! As a matter of fact I first published this picture before he did, so that saves me from whoever might accuse me of stealing his inspiration. :-)
  • my own pictures are starting to be decent now; maybe, maybe, some guy or some girl somewhere in the world, who is not in my Facebook friend network, might enjoy looking at some of them. Who knows.

So... I'll give it a try, and see where it takes me. If you happen to stumble on this page, then do leave a comment!

I'll probably post pictures on a regular basis (but clearly not daily -- I don't have enough time, or good pictures, for that). Maybe I'll publish some articles about photo gear, software or processes, or post links to cool websites from other people.

Now for the first picture... I chose one from a recent vacation (back in June).

It's a picture from an island in the Red Sea, on which we spent about 30 minutes in the middle of a one-week diving cruise: solid ground, what a change!

There's nothing there but a tower of some sort, don't remember exactly what it was for, an eagle nest with its eagle on it, and a lot of trash left by previous tourists when barbecueing was not yet prohibited. And this cylinder, of course. I'll probably post a picture of the eagle taking off. I was lucky enough to be able to take a picture at the right time. Or maybe it wasn't luck, but the fact that I was in the middle of group of people walking decidedly towards the nest, and the eagle had nothing else to do than fly away. Damn tourists, right?

The picture itself is a 3-exposure HDR, 2 stops between each. f/4.5, ISO 100, hand-held. Processed in Photomatix and adjusted in Lightroom. I don't think I made any modification in Photoshop.

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